by Mario Eduardo Castro Sammartino | Aug 12, 2018 | Companies, Litigation
Arbitration in Argentina: new International Commercial Arbitration Law On July 26th., 2018, it was published in the Official Gazette the new International Commercial Arbitration Law No. 27,449 (Ley de Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, or LACI by its Spanish...
by Mario Eduardo Castro Sammartino | May 9, 2018 | Companies, Corporate, Doing business in Argentina, Labor and Social Security, Litigation
Mergers and Acquisitions in Argentina: due diligence and hidden labor liabilities. A landmark decision from the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice helps to spot them When conducting a Due Diligence to take interests in the share capital of an Argentine company,...
by Mario Eduardo Castro Sammartino | Mar 29, 2016 | Companies, Individuals, Litigation
Trial costs in Argentina – foreign plaintiffs need not security for costs Trial costs in Argentina have suffered a beneficial change. As from 1 August 2015, Argentina has in force a new and modern Civil and Commercial Code (the CCCN) setting out many changes as...